Our portfolio is very diverse because our work is not limited to only one or two industries. Instead we have worked with more than 75 industries since company incorporation in 2011. We have long term working experience with these industries for delivering websites and software applications.
School, Colleges, Education Institutions
Tour & Travel
Domestic / International Travel Companies
Hiring / recruitment companies
Real Estate
Companies working on group housing projects
Small and medium size contractors that work more with individual housing
Hospital and nursing homes of different sizes.
Exterior Decoration
Companies dealing in making your homes and office exterior beautiful.
Accurate language translations from one to another.
Hotel, restaurants and more
Yoga Trainer
Website for yoga trainers
Cake Baking
Companies and individuals dealing in cake and cookies baking.
Content & Blogging
Article writing and blog website development.
Account & Billing
Companies providing accounts and billing software.
Companies selling online groceries and other related products.
Brand Websites
Brand specific websites and projects.
Safety & Security
Security guard, and PSO provider companies.
Bird Food
Companies dealing in bird food especially hens to increase their productivity.
International SIM Cards
International travelers use these sim cards
Transport & logistic companies
Tech Support
Companies providing technical support to domestic and international customers.
Small and medium size coaching institutes.
Corporate Trainers
Corporate trainers & professionals
Interior Decoration
Companies dealing in making your homes and office interior beautiful.
Glass Manufacturing & Installation
Companies dealing in glass manufacturing and installation at offices and homes.
Website designing for non governmental organizations
Portal for wedding planners selling multiple services
Event Planners
Event management companies
Plants and Nursery
Companies dealing with small and medium size plantation projects
Companies dealing in various packaging paper products and boxes.
Religious Places
Customized websites / software applications for religious places.
eCommerce websites to meet different needs.
Law Firms
A group of lawyers running a law firm.
Lift Maintenance
Society & commercial lift installation companies.
Gold and Silver Jeweler maker companies.